BlueCielo TeamWork 2012 VBScript API Reference | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Understanding the TeamWork object model > About the Batch object > The Batch object methods > FailCurrent method

FailCurrent method

Fail the current item in the current batch operation.

Name Description


Append the specified message to the Comments property.


Warning    Use this method very carefully in managed change and TeamWork Advanced Project Workflow operations, batch operations, or if references are involved. It could cause unexpected results. For example, if a project copy is made of a master document that has a reference to another document and the operation is canceled by validation in script, the referenced document might still be copied but without the reference (because the master document was not copied). If the successful project copy is then released as a master revision, the existing reference between the source documents will be deleted (because the project copy had no reference to the master document). In such scenarios, the validation script should produce a different result than aborting the operation, such as setting the target folder to Nothing, which prevents copying the referenced document.

Related concepts

About the Batch object

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